Tuesday, 13 March 2012

My Week in Pictures #3

A very late My Week in Photos, hope you forgive me! :P

Sunshine helps hangovers- Tuesday was a very hungover day for me and the majority of my friends, when I finally managed to drag myself out of bed it made my hangover slightly better to see blue skies!

Brain food- I've only ever had French toast one other time in my life so it was weird when I found myself wanting some. I think my first attempt went quite well and was a good breakfast to start a day full of uni work.

Being a fatty- I normally like cooking  but with all of my assignments weighing me down my enthusiasm has gone out of the window so me and the boyfriend were complete fatties and ate so much fast food that I ended up feeling ill for the rest of the day. On the Brightside while I was in town I also bought lots of new make-up to try out and give me some inspiration for some blog posts this week.

Essay's Suck- My essay deadline for Photojournalism was hanging over my head all weekend!! With little interest in the subject I found it hard to make myself research it. Though in the end it turned out ok. Lets hope for a decent grade.

Sunday fun!- Sunday I decided to treat myself after working hard on my essay(though I had not yet finished it) drinks and some chips with some friends in the pub was a good way to cheer myself up!!

I'm so glad last week is over! Now that I don’t have any more deadlines for a while I am not as paniced so I hope to get some posts out this week. If anyone knows any local fashion designers or fashion students that can help me with my next photojournalism project I would appreciate the help(I talked more indepth about this earlier here.) Also my friend are on a film course and are making an amazing film called ‘Friend request’. Like their Facebook page follow them on Twitter and maybe even check out their proposal on Indiegogo to help with funding!! :D

Hope everyone had a fabulous week! x

1 comment:

  1. Well done for finishing all your assignments, I know its a great feeling! That French toast looks yummy and the first photo is so lovely! Good luck with your project. XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.com/
